Membership Signup



The purpose and mission of N.E.T. Gatherings are best achieved when we support the members through great networking events, visibility and connecting, and specialized training and equipping.


Clickable logo on the N.E.T. website
  • The click can be linked to your website, landing page, contact info, social media, video, etc.
  • Traffic to the website is targeted for pastors, churches, nonprofits, ministry leaders, etc.
  • Analytics will report the activities/visits that flow from the N.E.T. website to your destination.
  • Efforts will be made to maximize your presence through call-to-action, lead capture, etc.


Attendance privileges at special events
  • Free or discounted admittance to classes, workshops, seminars, speakers, etc.
  • These events are customized for our members and focus on leadership, organizational management, fundraising, financial issues, communication with constituents, mission focus and clarification, faith inspiration, and others.


Showcase opportunities
  • Speaking at our monthly Gatherings and special events.
  • Special notices on your activities and events to our subscriber list.
  • Priority access to sponsorship role at our monthly N.E.T. Gatherings


Media services
  • Audio and video recordings offered by special arrangement.
  • Interviews, special messages, appeals, and reports to post on your website, social media, subscriber list, e-newsletter, prayer team, donors, etc.

Join Our Event Invitation List

By joining our list, you'll get notices about upcoming Workshops and Leadership Breakfasts.

N.E.T. Gathering Events